From 30 June 2016 I took part in the 'allotted' exhibition, a collaboration between artists and writers developing work based on the experiences of allotment gardeners and artists interested in the environment and growing.
This has been, and still is, a very interesting challenge, one I relished.
The exhibition was so successful it was repeated, as 'allotted 2' from February to April 2017 in Bolton's St George's Centre, and also at the Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal, in July 2017, with new work added.
For these later exhibitions I wrote brief stories about three women, on adjoining plots, who get to know each other as they work through the growing seasons. The stories could be read in any order, and were presented in clear acrylic stands which could be placed on tables, shelves, tops of display cupboards and so on around the exhibition space. They could be picked up and read, and book files containing all the pages were available to buy.
We hope to hold further exhibitions in other places.. I look forward to developing new ideas